60 Minute Swedish Massage
A swedish style massage using light, medium or firm pressure that incorporates the whole body and or tension areas. Improves circulation, decreases stress and helps break up adhesions.
A swedish style massage using light, medium or firm pressure that incorporates the whole body and or tension areas. Improves circulation, decreases stress and helps break up adhesions.
Swedish massage with light to firm pressure. Adding on the extra time for areas that need more attention and more time to relax!
This is the ultimate relaxation massage. Customize this 90 minute massage to work on tension areas as well as entire body. More time on the massage table means more time to relax!
Firm pressure through out the massage to target tension areas and relieve lactic acid stored in the muscles. Ideal for athletes and the frequent massage getter. Not recommended for a first time massage.
This 90 minute deep intense work can be customized to target tension areas, such as upper body, lower body or full body. Deep tissue is recommended for clients that are experienced massage goers. Not recommended for a first time massage.
This herbal pain relief creme is for those stubborn areas that need extra attention. It decreases inflammation, calms the nerves and aids in relaxation/sleep.
$50.00 deposit required
This is a natural approach to aging gracefully. Includes lymphatic drainage,face sculpting massage using the neolifting technique, buccal massage and head and scalp massage. Great for anyone with migraines and TMJ.Not recommended if you had injections in the last 5 weeks.
Melt away stress and stubborn knots with hot/warm stones. Stones are used with my swedish style massage and adds and extra relaxing element to your service!
$50.00 deposit required
This is the ultimate treatment! Includes lymphatic drainage, face sculpting, buccal massage, head massage, crystal placement to balance energy chakras, hot towel placements and hand and foot massage! Not recommended with injectables in the last 5 weeks